Experience the Ultimate Relief with Head Massage at Mai Day Spa
At Mai Day Spa, we believe in enhancing every aspect of your spa journey. Our head massage isn't just a standalone treatment; it's a perfect complement to your chosen spa indulgence. Imagine adding 15 minutes of cranial bliss to your session, transforming a simple visit into a holistic experience of relaxation and rejuvenation.
The Art and Science of Head Massage
Our head massages are more than just a luxury; they're a therapeutic journey. We combine ancient Thai techniques with modern understanding to offer massages that not only ease headaches and migraines but also significantly improve your mood and relaxation.
Head Massage as a Holistic Healthcare Practice
In today's world, where mental and physical stress are prevalent, the importance of holistic healthcare is undeniable. Head massage at Mai Day Spa is not just a fleeting escape; it's a vital part of a comprehensive health regimen. We align with the latest trends in healthcare, offering head massages as a recognised method to improve sleep quality and promote hair health, integrating wellness into your everyday life.
Psychological and Emotional Benefits
The power of touch in a head massage can be transformative. If you're battling with anxiety or stress, our head massages offer a tranquil haven for your mind. The gentle strokes and pressure techniques are designed to induce a state of deep relaxation, releasing endorphins that lift your spirits and provide emotional balance.
Why Choose Mai Day Spa for Your Head Massage
At Mai Day Spa, we don't just address your physical discomfort; we nurture your mental peace and emotional well-being. Our expert therapists are attuned to the nuances of your needs, providing a head massage experience that goes beyond the surface.
Relieve the Tension, Renew Yourself: Your Massage Oasis Awaits
at Mai Day Spa
Book your head massage session now and embark on a journey to rediscover your inner calm.
Indicative pricing*
15 min add-on $30
30 minutes $60
45 minutes $80
60 minutes $100
90 minutes $140
120 minutes $175
* Price may vary according to therapists requested or available.
** Alternatively we can use an optional odourless, food-grade refined coconut oil base.
If you prefer that to our unique Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, please let us know.
*And a note on hygiene: sadly, not everyone in the spa and beauty industry employs rigorous hygiene practices.
*At MAI DAY SPA we wash every towel, cloth, robe and any other item that has had skin contact thoroughly after use.
*Our foot basins are washed and disinfected each time with a strong antibacterial and antifungal agent to rule out any nasty surprises.
*Our laundry bill is enormous, but it’s the least we can do to keep our clients happy and safe.
For details of our response to the global COVID-19 outbreak, check out our LATEST NEWS.