Lockdown days return...
Since Wednesday 18 August we’ve been back at Level 4 - and we’ll be shut until a return to Level 2 or lower.
Firstly, thanks to everyone who we’ve encouraged to sign in here using the Covid Tracer app - a step that we understand will become mandatory by the time we reopen. We often felt like we were the only people in town asking for that but this week it will have proven its worth. So far we have had no indication that anyone has visited us with Covid-19 but if we receive any advice of that we’re in a good position to identify anyone at all who may be at risk, either directly or via our staff, and you’ll be first to know. So far, so good, and the practices we’ve continued to employ - air exchange in rooms, alcohol wipedowns and rigorous general hygiene - mean that we’re highly unlikely to be involved in spreading this outbreak.
Secondly, as a Living Wage Employer we’ll be paying our staff in full for as long as it takes - possibly for some weeks. We’ll top up the Wage Subsidy we get so our staff receive their contracted or expected earnings, for as long as humanly possible. We hope other employers take the same stance.
And thanks to our landlord, Samson Corporation, for once again leaning into our Covid response with a rent reduction - it’s a generous stance that we hope others have emulated, that helps us emerge in one piece.
We take the view that it’s better to keep the Delta strain out than “live with it“ and we’re battening down the hatches to sit this one out. Best wishes, keep safe, see you when it’s over!